Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Work Team Analysis Essay Example for Free

Work Team Analysis Essay At work I am part of the Incident Debriefing Team. We meet after any incident to watch any video that may have been taken, read incident reports from those involved and then try to figure out anything that could have been improved on. Our team is comprised up of Incident Response Team members (me) from each shift along with representatives from administration, medical services, and if at all possible our legal team. When this team was first formed it was just administration members and at times senior management who conducted the debriefing. These same people would then put out there findings on how the responders were to act in another similar situation. This system did not work as it caused rifts between response teams and management. The response teams felt that they assumed all the risk, made split second decisions that were judged by those who have never had to be in that position. While we all agree that a debriefing team was a solid plan we did not agree on who was currently on it. The idea to have responders and medical service representatives on the team was well received. The revamping of the team members brought all the different classifications of work groups’ ideas to the table. It also allowed for more clear answers to those affected by the decisions made in the team meetings, as it could be disseminated between those at the meeting and their co-workers as well as the official memos that came out at the administration level. I could relate to any questions from my co-workers better than an upper level manager who did not even work on site. There are risks in a group such as this. Generally in our environment there is always a strong feeling of tension between the different work classifications. Security wanted safety all around at all costs, but administration looked at cost of implementing security changes. Those involved in treatment settings generally did not understand the security concerns while security was not willing to sacrifice safety for say a more lax treatment module. In the first several meetings of this team there was little accomplished. Most of the allotted time was spent bickering among the sub groups. Time was also a factor. We are a twenty four hour operation therefore all the parties needed at the meeting are never in the facility at the same time. To get the needed personnel to the meetings, overtime had to be paid, and schedules changed. This also creates tension as the meetings were generally held at 10:00am, when the administration was on site, but two thirds of the team was at home, some of which sleeping from the night shift. All of these issues were brought to light in the first few team meetings. Eventually agreements were made to have the meetings held during the shift that the incident took place. This spread some of the schedule changing around to all involved. Along with other subtle changes in the team’s understanding in the value of each other’s opinions and expertise the team began to put out solid memos with well thought out policy changes when they were needed. It took several months for the majority of the staff to recognize that the team was fulfilling a long needed voice of reason after an incident. The training that came of the teams suggestions has been well received and helped reduce injuries in critical incidents. The response teams now feel that they have a voice in the policies that affect them, and their team’s safety. Our team works in a very stressful and emotionally charged atmosphere. To do our job it takes a special personality type which has been called the Type A personality. Having these strong personalities at all levels helps our organization work, but in the team, it creates conflict, which can be very hard to resolve. Having a strong leader who can recognize the beginnings of a conflict situation and help resolve it is critical. As the article states another concern for groups is that the leader may not â€Å"have the skills to use differences within groups to make good synergic decisions that are owned by all involved† (Broom and Casison, 2002). Having effective team leaders is essential to the success of the team. Our team leader is good, and does affair job but even he realizes that he needs to work on getting everyone in the team to own the decisions put out by the team. Not everyone in the group is going to be completely sold on every aspect of the decision but he/she needs to understand that the other views are sometimes better than their own. A leader who can get a team to recognize that is going to have the most success.

Monday, January 20, 2020

conscription Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Non-essential Conscription   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the war on terrorism continues more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are dying every month. The government is struggling to organize the number of soldiers maintaining the opposition in both Afghanistan and Iraq which brings up a popular topic-conscription (mandatory military enlistment). Senator Charles Rangel of New York was the one that introduced the call for the military draft upon the Senate. The draft was revoked and still hasn’t been in affect since the Vietnam War over thirty years ago. Reinstitution of conscription would not help this country right now, it will just make matters worse. It is not necessary to permit a draft in the United States because our advanced voluntary military should be able to control the defense of our country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If years from now we are still fighting in operation Iraqi freedom and record numbers of troops are dropping, then congress should start to propose a draft, not now. They probably are pre-warning us right now yet won’t actually pass this mandate until next year or months from today. Who knows, the government can construct a draft tomorrow if they feel that it’s necessary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A meeting between democrats and republicans took place in January this year regarding conscription. They basically discussed how and when this will take action. â€Å"The middle class and lower middle class should not be forced to bear the burden of fighting and dying if, in fact, this is a generational war.† (Senator Chuck Hagel-Republican from Nebraska) He and many other senators made it clear to the press that if there was a draft, then the majority of the upper middle class and upper class would be targeted to fight for our country. I agree simply because during the Vietnam War, many children of the higher social layers of society found any possible way to avoid the draft.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our military defense has the most advanced weapons and protection system in the world. Ever since Bush took place in office, our taxes were contributing towards the expenses of the military. After watching the Department of Defense spend billions of dollars on military needs these last past four years, I wonder why they have to bring up this non-essential topic. This budget that Clinton actually proposed was $277.5 billion for the Sec... ...r paying rent and was in the best shape of my life. It wasn’t that bad, also when I was deployed to Iraq I saved a lot of money and came back to the States feeling and living great. The reason why I got out is because I wanted to go to school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every person in the U.S. between the ages of 18-26 should be aware of this situation that can possibly happen. They should all have the right to be heard and share their opinions with the rest of the country instead of just the Pentagon, Senate, Legislatures and Politicians. They aren’t the ones who are going to be forced to fight, we are, and we as the young people of society are the easiest intentions. From my knowledge and what I’ve seen while I was in the Army I can say that our armed forces are fine over in Iraq. We don’t need to draft more troops for the war in Iraq. While conscription will ruin our country, another country will be benefited doesn’t make sense. Works Cited http://grassley.senate.gov/won/2003/won02-01-10.htm http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Feb2000/b02072000_bt045-00.html http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/apr2004/draf-a22.shtml   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Sunday, January 12, 2020

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

What stylistic elements does King use to influence his readers? After reading and analyzing â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† write an essay in which you answer the question and analyze structure and language in his text, providing 3 or more examples to illustrate and clarify your analysis. What conclusion can you draw about the power of this text? 1. Copy and paste the introduction of your essay here. Check your grading feedback from Lesson 8 to see if your instructor suggested any revisions to your introduction. Please make your revisions and type your revised introduction in the space below. INTRODUCTION: Everyone knows Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the Letter from Birmingham Jail but not everyone knows he wrote it because he was tired of being told to be patient and to wait. He wanted those eight white Alabama men that called him an extremist and whom believed the civil rights campaign would cause violence, to know that he was fed up waiting. King would take a stand and fight alongside his brothers and sisters for their rights. Martin Luther King uses strategic support and imagery to influence his readers and help us understand that all the hardships and judgment the blacks faced matter since he’s trying to make us understand the pain and tiredness of segregation and of waiting for nothing to happen. Write 2. Using what you have learned about evidence, explanation, quotations, and paraphrase, write your body paragraphs in the space below. You will need to include at least one of each of the following: a direct quotation introduced with a complete sentence and a colon a direct quotation introduced with a signaling phrase and a comma a direct quotation that is introduced and explained in one sentence a paraphrased example  an embedded quotation IMPORTANT ALERT: Use your outline from the previous lesson (Lesson 9 Organize Your Ideas) to form your body paragraphs. BODY (Minimum of 2 paragraphs – one about the structure of the letter and one about the language of the letter): King uses quotes from other famous people to offer comprehension of the respect those people were given and explaining how those men were  also extremists; â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . .† said by Thomas Jefferson. King uses allusion to talk about how Jefferson mentioned something in his past life of being equal and that our society cannot be divided in half. It goes back to segregation by explaining the people of the world shouldn’t be divided by the color of their skin since according to Jefferson all men were created equal. By stating Jefferson, he makes a point of everybody, including blacks, having the right to share bathrooms, restaurants, and schools. Not one person should suffer the consequences of being different. Abraham Lincoln said that â€Å"This nation cannot survive half slave and half free.† King also used an allusion of Lincoln’s to point out that the nation would not be able to survive being divided by the color of one’s skin. If the government were going to divide the town’s people, to divide them by the content of their actions, than by their skin color. It would be for example, dividing a forest by its predators, and prey. By placing a fence in between the two sections, neither side would survive. King wants us to understand that being divided is toxic to our nation and we need to mix to be able to feel right in the world, like you belong. As mentioned, king uses imagery to help us visualize better what he desires for us to understand like when he says â€Å"†¦when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people †¦Ã¢â‚¬  he uses this to help the readers comprehend why they are fed up of being told to wait, and to stand aside patiently. He mentions how he can see the clouds of inferiority form in her little mind, understanding that they think of the blacks as less of humans. King also describes seeing her unknowingly develop a hatred towards the whites and not knowing that changes her personality. When this happens to his daughter, he wants us to understand that there comes a time when men are exhausted of being in a pool of injustice and having to be told they can’t  do anything about the situation. â€Å"Like a boil that can never be cured†, King states in the end of paragraph 24 of his letter. When he says this, he is giving us an image of a disgusting boil, while comparing injustice and racism to it. King is using a simile to make us believe that just like a person or animal is sick, the people back then were sick and the symptoms were injustice and racism. Just like we tend to those unwell, we have to tend to them. King compares the two and simplifies his thoughts when said that they need to be acknowledged and treated. He is hinting that he wishes of injustice and racism to be treated and vanish, but that it won’t happen if not everybody pitches in. Locate (copy and paste) 3. Within the body paragraphs of your essay, locate and copy and paste the following components. Be sure to include the entire sentence. a. a direct quotation that is introduced with a complete sentence and a colon: King uses quotes from other famous people to offer comprehension of the respect those people were given and explaining how those men were also extremists; â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . .† b. a direct quotation that is introduced with a signaling phrase and a comma: Abraham Lincoln said that â€Å"This nation cannot survive half slave and half free.† c. a direct quotation that is introduced and explained in one sentence: As mentioned, King uses imagery to help us visualize better what he desires for us to understand like when he says â€Å"†¦when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people †¦Ã¢â‚¬  he uses this to help the readers comprehend why they are fed up of being told to wait, and to stand aside patiently. d. a paraphrased example: King also describes seeing her unknowingly develop a hatred towards the whites and not knowing that changes her personality. e. an embedded  quotation:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Like a boil that can never be cured†, King states in the end of paragraph 24 of his letter.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Alignment Of Human Resource And Business Strategies Essay

Alignment of Human Resource and Business Strategies Human resource (HR) departments work alongside business leaders to support their company’s mission, vision, values and core business practices. They must create strategies that will guide their efforts toward achieving the company’s objectives. Business leaders develop business strategies to achieve company objectives and satisfy the needs of stakeholders. Successful HR management strategies develop align with an organization’s business strategy. According to authors Stewart and Brown, â€Å"these two types of strategy must work together to ensure high organizational effectiveness† (Stewart Brown, 2012, p. 40). This paper will explore these strategies in action by examining the core business and HR practices at Zappos.com. The paper will analyze Zappos’ HR and business strategies, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital. Aligning Zappos’ HR Strategy with its Business Strategy Zappos.com was founded in 1999 by Nick Swinmurn. The company is a web-based retailer that has grown quickly over the last 16 years. The company began its venture with a vision to â€Å"create a web site that offered the absolute best selection in shoes in terms of brands, styles, colors, sizes, and widths† (â€Å"The Zappos Family Story,† n.d., para. 3). Today, the company has expanded their product lineup to include not only shoes, but also apparel, handbags, and other accessories. Zappos’ businessShow MoreRelatedLink Between Strategic Management and Leadership1199 Words   |  5 PagesPROGRAMME TITLE: Human Resource UNIT NAME: Human Resource ASSIGNMENT NAME: To achieve goals of the organization there must be vertical link between business strategy and HR strategies and horizontal links among HR strategies Student Name : Phone Myint Ko Issue Date : August 12, 2012 Submission Date : August 19, 2012 Abstract The human resource of an organization offered the potential synergy for sustained competitive advantage, when properly deployed, maintainedRead MoreThe Role Of Internal Planning On Strategic Planning921 Words   |  4 PagesRole of DSS in Strategic Planning Casey Matta Walden University Business Intelligence Business Intelligence, also referred to as BI, has been defined in many ways. The earliest definition comes from 1958. 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